Incredible 5-Senses Activities for Your Pre-schooler

It is essential to teach your children about their senses. The brain develops and performs at

its best when engaged in sensory-stimulating activities. The best time to learn about the five

senses is in pre-nursery in Dubai

Kids can correlate hearing, smell, touch, sight, and taste with the corresponding body parts

with these five senses exercises. They are also a ton of fun!


For pre-schoolers and kindergarteners, sense of hearing exercises can aid in developing

attentive listening skills and cognitive processing.

Sound Safari

Even in the backyard, this is possible. Paper and a pencil are all that you need.

● On a piece of plain paper, create a chart. Just two columns: one for the sound you're

looking for and one for a tick.

● Note any noises you hear in your area; or anticipate hearing. For instance, sirens, barking

dogs, automobiles, birds, etc.

● Take a stroll after pasting the chart on construction paper.

● Talk to the youngsters about the noises as you hear them, and have them check off each



Children learn more about their surroundings when exposed to various scents.

Smelly Painting

Painting is always enjoyable, and if it has a smell, youngsters will be in their element.

● Fill bowls with different paints.

● Fill each bowl with various artificial flavours. If you use yellow, give it a banana flavour so

you can talk about the hue.

● Start the children dipping their paintbrushes into the bowl one at a time. Have the

youngsters paint on paper to analyse the fragrance. Give them hints as to what it may be.

Pose challenging inquiries, such as, " Do you believe you have eaten anything that smells like



Activities involving touch can improve learning and aid in cognitive skills for every young

child studying in a Nursery in Dubai. Most tactile exercises aid in children's creativity and

cognitive development.

Feely Bag

It is an excellent way to teach your child the alphabet and how to trace its letters.

● Find or create a feely bag that closes completely. Put several items into the bag. The items

used should be recognizable by touch.

● The feely bag may be used in a variety of ways. The children can predict what they feel by

reaching into the bag without peeking.

● You may also name one of the items in the bag and ask the children to use their touch

alone to find it.


The main goal of sense of sight exercises for pre-schoolers is to encourage them to use their

vision and combine it with their other senses.

Read and Find Game

Reading and focusing on visual stimuli are the two goals of this practice.

● Put different items in a basket.

● On a piece of card stock paper, list the goods you placed in the basket.

● Start by having your youngster read each item on the list.

● After the child has read it, ask them to find it in the basket and match it.


Pre-schoolers learn the connection between smell and taste through the sense of taste


Fun with Tasting Labels

This exercise is based on the idea that there are five basic tastes: sweet, bitter, sour, salty,

and umami.

● Label the card stock you cut out with the various tastes.

● Give the youngsters bite-sized samples of a variety of foods. Look for foods that are salty,

sweet, sour, bitter, and other flavours.

● Encourage the children to sample each one.

● Request that the children match the foods with the proper taste labels.


Young toddlers and children have countless opportunities to grow and learn through sense-

based activities. Multi-sensory activities should be incorporated into children's play in every

single day-care in Dubai. To accommodate the requirements of all learners, these simple-to-

follow exercises offer activity adjustments and adaptations. 

In Preschool and Kindergarten setups such as Leads Early Childhood Centre, the thinking is

that children make their meaning. The Centre provides a curriculum for 2 to 6 years age

groups that are progressive and thoughtful. Choosing early childhood Centres provides a

high adult-to-child ratio, and knowledgeable teachers provide several progressive education

and rich opportunities on campus.


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